37 Degree Tube Fittings and Adapters | Air-Way Manufacturing

37 Degree Tube Fittings and Adapters

Figure 20 - 37 degree Tube FItting Assembly

Method A. Installation Torque

  1. Inspect components for damage or contamination.
  2. If O-Ring (FLARE-O® only) is not present, install correct O-Ring in FLARE-O' groove, taking care not to cut or nick the O-Ring.
  3. Lubricate the O-Ring with a light coat of system fluid or compatible oil.
  4. Align tube/hose to mating fitting allowing hand connection. To assure proper alignment, two to three turns of nut should be easily permitted.
  5. Tighten tube nut to torque listed in Table K.

Method B. Flats From Finger Tight (F.F.F.T.)

  1. Inspect components for damage or contamination.
  2. Align tube/hose to mating fitting allowing hand connection. To assure proper alignment, two to three turns of nut should be easily permitted.
  3. Finger tighten or lightly wrench nut to seat sealing surfaces.
  4. Mark nut and adjacent fitting surface to indicate initial seating position. See Fig.21.
  5. Finish tightening nut by turning the appropriate F.F.F.T. as indicated in Table L.
  6. Mark final tightening position on fitting by extending the existing mark from the nut to the adjacent fitting surface. See Fig.22.

initial seating and final tightening position for 37 degree adapters

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